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nuska Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 06.12. 2008, 21:29 Prispevkov: 3433
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nuska Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 06.12. 2008, 21:29 Prispevkov: 3433
Objavljeno: 01 Dec 2009 11:35 Naslov sporočila: |
V Društvu smo mnenja, da bi po vseh dogodkih in zakonodaji olajšali delo lastnikom z društvenim ograjenim prostorom. Sama se ob površnem branju zakonov s tem nisem veliko ubadala in sem zakon razumela drugače. Razumela sem, da je hrta oz. psa prepovedano spuščati na javnih krajih, kot so npr. Tivoli, Rožnik, urbna naselja. Razumela sem, da zakona ne kršim s s puščanjem v hribih, na travnikih, ki so daleč stran od naselij in cest in kjer ni sprehajalnih poti. Pa sem se motila, ker je javni kraj vsak, ki je dostopen človeku. S helikopteri pa žal ne letamo. Razmišljamo v bližnji okolici Ljubljane. Prosim vas, za ideje, sodelovanje pri izboru in infomacije o samih zemljiščih.
Zakon je tak kot je, po drugi stran pa hrtom ne omogoča zadovoljevanja njihovih potreb. Hočeš nočeš so najbolj srečni, ko s svojimi 50 km na uro lahko divjajo okrog. Zato obe Nini meniva, da bi bila ta rešitev dobra za vse nas.
Prav tako prosim, da stopite v kontak z lokalnimi kinološkimi društvi in se pozanimate o možnosti zakupa ure, spuščanja htov na njihovih poligonih, kakšni so pogoji za spuščanje, če plačaš članarino itd.
Vse infomacije prosim objavite v tej temi. Tako bo tudi bodočim lastnikom lažje.
V Kranju se bom pozanimala sama, igrišče v Drulovki je žal podrto.
Mogoče kdo ve kako je s Tržičem, Radovljico, Žabnico in Škofja Loko? _________________ Slovensko društvo za pomoč hrtom
http://www.pomoc-hrtom.si/ |
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nuska Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 06.12. 2008, 21:29 Prispevkov: 3433
Objavljeno: 17 Maj 2010 19:17 Naslov sporočila: |
V razmislek vsem, ki mislie da svojega hrta poznate in mu lahko zaupate:
TRUST---a deadly disease.
There is a deadly disease stalking your dog. A hideous, stealthy thing just waiting its chance to steal your beloved friend. It is not a new disease, or one for which there are inoculations. The disease is called trust.
You knew before you ever took your Greyhound home that it could not be trusted. The people who provided you with this precious animal warned you, drummed it into your head. A newly rescued racer may steal off counters, destroy something expensive, chase s, and must NEVER be allowed off his lead!
When the big day finally arrived, heeding the sage advice, you escorted your dog to his new home, properly collared and tagged, the lead held tightly in your hand. At home the house was "doggie proofed." Everything of value was stored in the spare bedroom, garbage stowed on top of the refrigerator, s separate and a gate placed across the door to the living room. All windows and doors had been properly secured and signs placed in strategic points reminding all to "CLOSE THE DOOR"
Soon it becomes second nature to make sure the door closes a second after it was opened and that it really latched. "DON'T LET THE DOG OUT" is your second most verbalised expression. (The first is NO!) You worry and fuss constantly, terrified that your darling will get out and a disaster will surely follow. Your friends comment about whom you love most, your family or the dog. You know that to relax your vigil for a moment might lose him to you forever.
And so the weeks and months pass, with your Greyhound becoming more civilised every day, and the seeds of trust are planted. It seems that each new day brings less mischief, less breakage. Almost before you know it your racer has turned into an elegant, dignified friend.
Now that he is a more reliable, sedate companion, you take him to more places. No longer does he chew the steering wheel when left in the car. And darned if that cake wasn't still on the counter this morning. And, oh yes, wasn't that the he was sleeping with so cosily on your pillow last night? At this point you are beginning to become infected, the disease is spreading its roots deep into your mind.
And then one of your friends suggests obedience. You shake your head and remind her that your dog might run away if allowed off the lead, but you are reassured when she promises the events are held in a fenced area. And, wonder of wonders, he did not run away, but came every time you called him!
All winter long you go to weekly obedience classes. After a time you even let him run loose from the car to the house when you get home. Why not, he always runs straight to the door, dancing a frenzy of joy and waits to be let in.
Remember, he comes every time he is called. You know he is the exception that proves the rule. (And sometimes, late at night, you even let him slip out the front door to go potty and then right back in.) At this point the disease has taken hold, waiting only for the right time and place to rear its ugly head.
Years pass--it is hard to remember why you ever worried so much when he was new. He would never think of running out the door left open while you bring in the washing, or jump out window of the car while you run into the convenience store. And when you take him for those wonderful long walks at dawn, it only takes one whistle to send him racing back to you in a burst of speed when the walk comes too close to the highway. (He still gets into the garbage, but nobody is perfect.)
This is the time the disease has waited for so patiently. Sometimes it only has to wait a year or two, but often it takes much longer. He spies the neighbours dog across the street, and suddenly forgets everything he ever knew about not slipping outdoors, jumping out windows, or coming when called due to traffic. Perhaps it was only a paper fluttering in the breeze, or even just the sheer joy of running- Stopped in an instant. Stilled forever-your heart is broken at the sight of his still beautiful body. The disease is TRUST. The final outcome hit by a car.
Every morning my dog Shah bounced around off his lead exploring. Every morning for seven years he came back when he was called. He was perfectly obedient, perfectly trustworthy. He died fourteen hours after being hit by a car. Please do not risk your friend and your heart. Save the trust for things that do not matter.
I would like to offer two additional accounts about the dangers of an unfenced area. This first account is really a basic tragic accident, due to an improperly fitting collar. The owners actually had the dog on a lead, but unfortunately were using only a flat buckle collar on the dog. The dog became frightened at something, and just backed out of her collar. She took off away from them at top speed. Before they could manage to even get close to catching up to her, she had run out onto a road, and was instantly killed by a car. This is one of the reasons we advise using a halti while walking your Greyhound in an unfenced area.
The second account involves too much trust and a lack of common sense. The owners lived somewhat out in the country. Woods surrounded their home and they were well off any major roadway. They had their new Greyhound about three weeks, when I got the phone call that I hate the most, "Our Greyhound is lost!" 1 knew these owners did not have a fenced yard, but they had sworn they would keep the dog on a lead when taken outdoors. Upon further questioning, I discovered that they quit using the lead after about the first week. The weather had got cold, and so early in the mornings they would simply turn her out the back door, wait for her to "do her business," then call her back in. "she ALWAYS came when she was called," the woman lamented to me. They felt it was safe enough to allow her off the lead for just short bits of time, as they didn't live near a high traffic road, and she had never ventured into the woods before. Unfortunately, the little Greyhound DID bound off into the woods this particular morning. Perhaps she heard a squirrel rustling in some nearby leaves, or smelled a rabbit, but whatever the reason, she had taken off into the woods, and they could not find her. Our hopes of finding her safe and sound faded a little more with each passing day, and no sign of the pretty little female Greyhound.
After several weeks, our worst fears were confirmed. We got a call from a very nice man, who had been walking through the woods with his son when they discovered the still, cold body of a small, dead Greyhound. He got our number off her collar ID tag. She was found many, many miles from her home. Why did she run off this time when she had been so reliable before? Why didn't she come racing back as she always had when her family called for her? who knows? What we do know is that ultimately dogs will be dogs. No matter how much or how long you train and teach your dog, there WILL come a point where their instincts will win over learned behaviour.
Please don't be fooled into a false sense of security with your Greyhound. Take the time, make that little extra effort, to ensure your Greyhound will be safe. Remember that they are depending on you. KEEP THEM ON A LEAD.
( neznani avtor) _________________ Slovensko društvo za pomoč hrtom
http://www.pomoc-hrtom.si/ |
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nuska Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 06.12. 2008, 21:29 Prispevkov: 3433
Objavljeno: 13 Jun 2013 07:00 Naslov sporočila: Mogoče ena slaba izkušna prereiči drugo... |
Pismo pretresenih posvojiteljev, ki so izgubili svojo psičko...
S težkim srcem in v neizmerni bolečini vam sporočam da smo
včeraj okrog 16. ure v tragični nesreči z vlakom izgubili našo drago princesko Lu.
Med popoldanskim sprehodom po bližnjem travniku ob gozdni učni poti v Radovljici, smo kot vedno pustili Lu da prosto odteče svoja dva kroga po sveže pokošeni travi, nato pa je namesto da bi se prišla nazaj počohat in pripet, zelo živahno odskakljala v gozd. Ponavadi je tako našla kakšno svinjarijo kot so človeški iztrebki ali kaj podobnega, za kar je bilo treba samo malce povzdigniti glas in je takoj pritekla nazaj, tokrat pa je kljub temu da smo bili le nekaj korakov stran od točke kjer je zavila v gozd, v trenutku izginila kot da bi izpuhtela v zrak. Takoj smo jo pričeli iskati po celotnem območju, ki je dokaj pregleden in na hribu, oglašal se je samo en od nas na vrhu gozda da bi čimlažje našla nazaj če bi se izgubila, s punco sva poklicala še mojo mamo in teto, celo opisali smo jo nekaj ljudem v bližini in jim dali kontaktno številko če jo kje opazijo. Tako smo jo iskali vsaj 20 minut, nakar je moja teta ki se je peljala malce dlje okrog gozda, blizu hiše ki stoji ob železniških tirih kakšnih 200m stran od kraja kjer je Lu izginila, zagledala grozen prizor. Njene krike so slišali trije moški, ki so našo ljubo psičko odstranili iz tirov, jo zavili in naložili v prtljažnik avtomobila.
Prepeljali smo jo do veterinarske klinike v Lescah, kjer so ob pregledu potrdili da je mrtva in da je glede na poškodbe vrjetno umrla v trenutku ko je prišlo do trka. Ker se je znašla tako daleč in ker je zbežala v gozdu, predvidevamo da je sledila divjadi.
Lepo prosim, vi imate glas da obvestite in opozorite ljudi.
Prosim opomnite ostale lastnike hrtov in nasplošno vseh psov, naj bodo vedno pozorni kaj njihovi psi počnejo, naj jih ne pustijo da se prosto sprehajajo v bližini gozda, cest, železniških tirov.. tudi če se jim zdi da so psi navajeni in če mislijo da je nevarnost dovolj oddaljena ( Lu je bila vedno bolj pogumna ravno zato ker je ta travnik in okolico poznala od prvega dne ko je prišla k nam )
Plenskega nagona se ne da ukrotiti, ko pes začne loviti plen ne bo ničesar več slišal.
Prepričan sem bil da se meni kaj takega ne more zgoditi, da je kraj kjer sprehajam svoje pse dovolj varen. Očitno sem se hudo zmotil in plačali smo najhujšo ceno. Še enkrat, lepo prosim, pazite na svoje pse, obvarujte jih pred takimi nevarnostmi ker se sami ne znajo.
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http://www.pomoc-hrtom.si/ |
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Pridružen/-a: 02.01. 2012, 20:52 Prispevkov: 34
Objavljeno: 13 Jun 2013 07:32 Naslov sporočila: |
Zelo mi je žal za Lu. Vsaj ni trpela... kar je lahko bolj slaba tolažba v takih trenutkih.
Se strinjam s posvojitelji, mi našo Numo nikoli ne spuščamo v gozdu, ker je veliko divjadi in bi z največjim veseljem lovila. Vem pa tudi, da imamo nore lovce, ki nastavljajo razne past. Sosedove psičke ni bilo domov 4 dni, dokler končno le prišla... ugotovili so, da ima raztrgano tačko, ker se je ujela v past z železnimi zobmi - ne vem kako se imenuje
Na žalost, če želiš biti 100% psa res ne smeš puščat iz povodca, če ni prostor ograjen. _________________ Spoznaj sebe in spoznal boš vesolje (napis v Delfih)
www.osebna-terapija.com |
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Pridružen/-a: 03.03. 2011, 22:40 Prispevkov: 292
Objavljeno: 13 Jun 2013 11:55 Naslov sporočila: |
Še pri ograjenem ne moreš biti 100%, je bolje vedno narediti prej obhod zaradi morebitnih lukenj, ki se pojavijo čez noč.
Tudi mene je izučilo in čeprav ima Marcelo handicap, še vedno lahko zelo hitro teče, zato je vedno na daljšem povodcu. Ko rabi, gremo v ograjeno, samo še tam ga skoz opazujem, kaj počne.
Vem pa, da tak varen ograjen prostor ni vedno na voljo. Vendar vseeno ni vredno, da se tvega, ker če/ko pride tisti trenutek, ko gre nekaj narobe, ga ne pozabiš nikoli. |
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